Friday, August 10, 2007

Updates, CA style

Been awhile since an update. I've been back in California for about a week and a half now, so I've gotten settled in back at home. While I miss New York, it is great to be back and the weather here really can't be topped. It's been good being around family again, as well.

Mary is getting settled into San Francisco. She starts law school Monday, which I'm excited about for her. Finding time for each other will be tough this year as she's in class four days a week, but at least we're not four and a half hours away!

I'll be living at home at least for the next few months. As some of you may know, I did apply for a job at Saint Mary's in admissions, which I found out today I did not get. While this brought its share of disappointment, it also brought a lot of self-kicking for not broadening the job search earlier. I'll start from scratch on Monday and try to figure out what to do from here. I suppose now is as good a time as any to start believing that when one door closes another opens.

Anywho, I'll keep updating for a little longer, but eventually I'd like to phase this blog out and am hoping to start a full-time sports (or politics) blog. I need to get back into writing shape (now more than ever).

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