Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Why is this always news?

Why is this story about a landslide in La Jolla national news? Some people may have heard me complain about this before, but it seems every time as few as 2 or 3 upscale homes are threatened with destruction by landslide it makes headlines all over. This was a link on the front page of My guess is at least some of the local news channels will lead with this story tonight (or at least put it in their first 10-15 minutes) even though the story is 9 hours away in San Diego.

Yes, it's always tragic when someone loses their home. But these are people with plenty of money and good insurance who chose to live on a cliff. I don't want to sound indifferent to their loss of property, but aren't there more important stories to cover? Maybe of people who happen to live in poor neighborhoods that lose their homes...

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