Friday, September 08, 2006

Travel planning (almost) done

Fridays are wonderful, especially after a short week. My travel schedule is 99% done, and I've sent all the confirmation letters out. What a big relief. Now I just need to figure out how to send something out to all the students at all of the schools to let them know I'm coming, which apparently isn't done here. I'm determined to create a process for it if there isn't already. Yay ambition.

New employee orientation (followed by wine social) in about 20 minutes, then weekend. Don't know what I'm up to tonight, but some more work clothes shopping tomorrow afternoon and then hopefully drinks with Jenna and Chris.

Met my future new roomate Stephen last night too, which was awesome. He, my roomate/landlord Markus, Markus's fiance and I went to a great little restaurant down the street and got to know each other. The guy is just out of college and landed a part as a swing in the Broadway revival of Les Miz. Pretty sweet. Anyways, we're going to a Yankees game next week which I'm pretty jazzed about too.

Four days until my first MC college fair, and 9 days until the drive out to Pittsburgh that will officially start my travel.

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