Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Dabor

I've always found it interesting that while the rest of the world celebrates Labor Day on May 1st, we celebrate it at the end of the summer. May 1st in many other countries, mostly in Europe, is always a day for the workers. I guess we were too worried that celebrating the worker with the rest of the world would make us too "communist," so we put our Labor Day at the end of the year where, instead of celebrating the worker, we celebrate the capitalist by going shopping one more time during the summer. It's amazing how much of our modern culture is dictated by reaction to the supposed communist threat in the 50s and 60s (see: Pledge of Allegiance).

Anyways, I did have a good Labor Dabor. Woke up and moseyed (sp?) down to the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue to get a case for my new iPod. The store is really cool. It's right at the border of Central Park and the Upper East Side, so it's in the midst of all these old, ornate hotels and residences. Except the Apple Store (at least at the surface) is just a big, crystal clear glass box. It just looks really cool aside all the other buildings. But all the "box" has inside are stairs to the lower level, which has the actual store that sprawls out underground. Very cool.

Oh, and Saturday I bought a very slick suit at Men's Wearhouse. I look pretty dashing in it I must say. It will be ready for pickup just in time for me to start traveling.

Anyways, back to Sunday: after the Apple Store I came home and had some lunch before heading out to New Jersey to Daryn and Kathy's place. They had a few neighbors and friends over and Daryn made a ton of food (although my margaritas were a hit). Since Daryn was trained as a chef in his younger days, it goes without saying that dinner was very, very good. It was also good to see them and of course my cousins Hailei and Lindsey again.

The only thing worse than having to come back to work after a three day weekend is having to come back to work after a three day weekend when no one makes coffee. It was literally a scene out of "Dilbert" or "The Office" in that the person who normally makes the coffee was out today, so no one made it. We all just complained about it. At least I can say I'm new and I don't know how they make the coffee there. But regardless, it was a long morning before I became frustrated (and got a headache) trying to schedule more and more high school visits. My first college fair is in a week and I'm no where close to finishing up my schedule.

Another three-day weekend, anyone? Rise up, proletariat....

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